"CELUFOLL" Bt. "kt. a."

HU-2023 Dunabogdány, Ady Endre utca 95.


VAT number 28068008213
Trade register number 13 06 070699
Company name "CELUFOLL" Építőipari Szolgáltatások Betéti Társaság "kényszertörlés alatt"
Company Short name "CELUFOLL" Bt. "kt. a."
Industy code 4120. Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
Year of incorporation 25/08/2010


Capital 400 000 HUF
Turnover 0
Turnover in EUR 0
Last available number of employees date 05/04/2019
Last available number of employees 0
Number of owners 2
Number of managers 1
Number of events influencing credit risk 1

Check the default risk and all other relevant data with the help of the company report

  • Solvency index

  • Negative events

    1 pc
  • Leaders

    1 pc
  • Owners

    2 pc
  • Financial report

    not available
  • Bank account information

    0 pc
  • Credit limit


18 eur + 27 % VAT
( 23 eur)

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10 eur + 27 % VAT
( 13 eur)

13 eur + 27 % VAT
( 17 eur)

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13 /day
= 10 + 27% VAT


Online access to the Hungarian company database and Relation graph modules without data export


64 /week
= 50 + 27% VAT


Online access to the Hungarian company database and Relation graph modules without data export



127 /month
= 100 + 27% VAT


Online access to the Hungarian company database and Relation graph modules without data export


381 /year
= 300 + 27% VAT


Online access to the Hungarian company database and Relation graph modules with data export

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