H&O69 Kft.

HU-7747 Belvárdgyula, Kossuth Lajos utca 24.


VAT number 26657059202
Trade register number 02 09 084226
Company name H&O69 Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
Company Short name H&O69 Kft.
Industy code 4711. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating
Year of incorporation 14/02/2019


Capital 3 000 000 HUF
Latest year of accounts 31/12/2022
Turnover 36 071 000
Turnover in EUR 90 121
Last available number of employees date 01/07/2024
Last available number of employees 1
Number of owners 1
Number of managers 1
Years with available accounts 2020,2021,2022
Number of events influencing credit risk 5

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  • Negative events

    5 pc
  • Leaders

    1 pc
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  • Financial report

  • Bank account information

    2 pc
  • Credit limit


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127 /month
= 100 + 27% VAT


Online access to the Hungarian company database and Relation graph modules without data export


381 /year
= 300 + 27% VAT


Online access to the Hungarian company database and Relation graph modules with data export

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