
Trade register number 80 11 5355
Company name Tallinn, Katleri tn 1, Katleri tn 13, Katleri tn 9, Kihnu tn 12, Läänemere tee 6, Läänemere tee 8, Paasiku tn 16, Paasiku tn 22, Paasiku tn 24, Paasiku tn 28 korteriühistu
Company Short name Tallinn, Katleri tn 1, Katleri tn 13, Katleri tn 9, Kihnu tn 12, Läänemere tee 6, Läänemere tee 8, Paasiku tn 16, Paasiku tn 22, Paasiku tn 24, Paasiku tn 28 korteriühistu
Year of incorporation 21/12/1999


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